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Jowls, Neck Fullness and Loose Skin

Our bodies undergo various changes as we age, especially in the neck area, leading to the dreaded double chin or turkey neck. These developments are often the result of several factors, including genetics, loss of skin elasticity, gravity, and the accumulation of subcutaneous and deep fat. While this is a natural part of the aging process, these changes can be disheartening, affecting our physical appearance and self-esteem.

The skin on our neck is particularly susceptible to sagging and loosening over time due to the effects of gravity and the gradual breakdown of collagen and elastin fibers. The main muscle in the neck, the platysma muscle, starts to separate and can lead to pronounced vertical neck bands – some people have two bands, while others may have one single band, which is sometimes referred to as the “turkey neck.” These conditions can be treated with a necklift in Naples. Additionally, the accumulation of subcutaneous or deep fat beneath the chin can exacerbate the appearance of a double chin, making it challenging to achieve a defined and youthful neck profile. Dr. Burchhardt offers neck lifting to help you regain a more sculpted neck contour.

Smiling woman after a neck lift in Naples

Neck Liposuction/Lift Corrects:

  • Double chin
  • Excess neck fat
  • Sagging neck skin
  • Turkey neck appearance
  • Loss of neck contour or jowls
  • Signs of aging in the neck area

Neck Liposuction & Lift: An Overview

A neck lift is a cosmetic procedure designed to combat the common signs of aging and improve the appearance of the neck and jawline. Sometimes a neck lift is paired with neck liposuction to remove excess fat from the neck region via a hollow tube known as a cannula. The surgeon inserts the cannula to suction away excess fat deposits. Individuals who have a double chin or excess fat deposits underneath the skin in the neck area are candidates for this procedure.

On the other hand, a neck lift in Naples including a platysmaplasty focuses on tightening the skin and underlying muscles of the neck. A neck lift can restructure the muscles and glands in the neck to create a more sculpted jawline. This surgical procedure is often chosen by those with sagging skin, muscle laxity, or the presence of a “turkey neck.” Dr. Burchhardt will counsel you on which techniques are best suited for your anatomy and changes in aging. In order to smooth your jawline and jowls, a facelift is often paired with a neck lift to create a natural-looking result.

How a Neck Lift is Performed

Dr. Burchhardt performs most of her neck lifts with anesthesia to ensure your comfort. Next, incisions are strategically made, hidden behind the ears and under the chin. She tightens the neck muscles and removes excess loose skin, repositioning and suturing the neck tissues for a smoother appearance. If necessary, liposuction may also be performed to eliminate excess fat. The procedure typically takes about three hours, resulting in a more youthful, contoured neck profile with scars that are well hidden.

Woman after neck lift in Naples

Neck Contouring: Pairing Neck Liposuction & Lift

Neck contouring combines neck liposuction and a neck lift in Naples for comprehensive results. Neck liposuction removes excess fat, addressing a double chin or fatty deposits. Simultaneously, the neck lift tightens muscles, removes loose skin, and reshapes the neck’s overall appearance.

Dr. Burchhardt offers this combination for a balanced, sculpted, youthful neck contour, addressing both excess fat and age-related changes of loose skin and sagging neck tissues. During your consultation, Dr. Burchhardt will evaluate your concerns, discuss your goals, and determine if you’re a good candidate for overall neck contouring.

Preparing for a Neck Lift

Getting ready for a neck lift with Dr. Burchhardt requires essential steps to ensure a successful procedure. First and foremost, you’ll have a consultation with Dr. Burchhardt to discuss your goals and medical history and to assess your candidacy. She will provide personalized recommendations and answer any questions you may have.

Before your surgery, Dr. Burchhardt will provide detailed pre-operative instructions, including dietary restrictions, and medication adjustments. You will need to arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery, as anesthesia will be administered. You must also plan for post-operative care, ensuring a comfortable recovery environment after your neck lift in Naples.

Neck Lift Recovery & Results

After your necklift, it’s essential to prioritize proper care to ensure a smooth recovery and achieve optimal results. You can expect some initial swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which can be managed with prescribed medications and cold compresses. Dr. Burchhardt will provide specific post-operative instructions tailored to your case, including wearing a compression garment to support healing.

While initial improvements will be visible immediately, it will take several weeks up to a couple of months for the full results to emerge as swelling subsides and the tissues settle. You’ll soon notice a more defined neck contour and improved jawline. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, practicing sun protection, and considering maintenance treatments such as laser resurfacing will help preserve your new rejuvenated look, although age-related changes will resume with time. . Dr. Burchhardt will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and will guide you during your recovery after your neck lift in Naples.

Neck Lift FAQs

What's the difference between neck liposuction and a neck lift?

Neck liposuction targets excess fat removal, while a neck lift focuses on tightening muscles and removing loose skin. These procedures may be combined for comprehensive neck contouring.

Am I a good candidate for a necklift?

The ideal candidates are generally in good health and have realistic expectations. Dr. Burchhardt will discuss your goals, assess your skin condition, and review your medical history to determine your candidacy during the consultation.

What can I expect during the recovery period?

The recovery period after a neck lift in Naples varies but typically includes swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort. You’ll be given post-operative instructions, and it’s crucial to follow them for a smooth recovery. Most patients can return to work within two weeks. Dr. Burchhardt recommends scheduling a neck lift at least two months prior to any important event where you’ll want to look your best in order to allow enough time for residual swelling to subside.

Are the results permanent?

While the results are long-lasting, the aging process continues. Deep neck restructuring changes will stay with you but some signs of aging such as loose skin or muscle laxity will gradually reappear. A healthy lifestyle, a good skin care regimen, and an occasional laser treatment can help prolong the results.

What are the risks and complications associated with a neck lift?

Like any surgery, a neck lift involves certain risks, including bleeding, infection, scarring, nerve damage and anesthesia-related complications. Dr. Burchhardt will discuss these risks during your consultation and you will take steps to minimize them.

How long does the procedure take?

Neck liposuction typically takes one to two hours, while a neck lift in Naples may require two to three hours, depending on the complexity of the case.

Can I combine neck liposuction/lift with other procedures?

It’s common to combine these procedures with facelifts, chin implants, or other facial rejuvenation treatments for a more comprehensive transformation. Discuss your goals with Dr. Burchhardt to determine the right approach for you.

When will I see the final results?

While you’ll notice initial improvements immediately, it may take 2 months for swelling to subside completely and for the tissues to settle in place. Dr. Burchhard recommends planning on surgery at a minimum of 2 months before an important event where you’ll want to look your best.

Before and After of neck lift in Naples

Before & After


Why Choose Dr. Daniela Burchhardt?

Dr. Daniela Burchhardt is a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon specializing in neck and facial cosmetic procedures. With her impressive credentials, including board certifications from the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology, she brings a wealth of expertise to every procedure. She combines a woman’s touch and keen aesthetic sensibilities with technical skill and surgical expertise in performing a neck lift in Naples, helping her clients reclaim optimal facial harmony. Schedule a consultation to elevate your contours.

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